Narration Demo

Profile photo for Christian Tolbert
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Showing my range with different narration styles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm Christian Tolbert. And this is my narration demo. It's easy to understand why the United States went to war to get California a land full of wonders where one man's chance discovery triggered a mad rush for gold. And where a new generation of marijuana growers is testing the limits of the law full of ancient forests and volcanic forms and a valley that's also the hottest place on earth. Enjoy spectacular views along the Pacific Coast highway or soar over beaches and wine country. Explore big sir, redwoods and cross the Golden Gate bridge into the heart and soul of this magnificent state. It's a region full of character from movie stars to Silicon Valley giants to amazing natural wonders. Join us as we visit the Golden State of California for 20 years after the assassins defeated the templars in London. The city enjoyed a certain peace until the autumn of terror. In 18 88 London is plunged into shadow and fear by a series of gruesome and unsolvable murders. The brothels of White Chapel seem warm and safe by comparison to its streets where prostitutes are being mutilated and being left on grotesque display for the world to a Jacob fry hunched, the elusive killer to bring an end to the terror. Jack can do imagine a modest sleepy village. Somewhere under the sun, burnt soil of Africa. People lived in mud huts with one space for the whole family. Can you believe that these houses had neither running water nor electricity, but nevertheless, people accepted their lives contentedly and they were happy in those days. All the Children used to play an odd game together in the heart of the village. Its rules were so weird that no outsider can make a sense out of them. Sometimes street dogs joined in the children's thoughtless running. Never was there such whooping and shouting as in this African village.