

A brief collection of voices, accents, characters and impressions. Just a few of the voices in my head.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mayhem is everywhere. So get an Allstate agent. Are you in good hands? You hate ads before your videos. Tell me about it. Refresh yourself while you wait. Poppy, open the bar in the early fifties. It I've been his dream to create a place that was full of Cuban spirit. It's voices. It's laughter. Is music. What if there was a technology that allowed us to never worry about our phones ever again? What if that technology was as good at protecting your phone from every kind of hazard as it was at protecting you? Sure, there's one set of tracks, but we've been right beside you since 1916 listening, learning. And now we're ready to launch. I remember when I went there as a kid, I was wondering what I did wrong. Did they sent to this place? I was 10 years old and already had a lot of trouble. I wasn't going to school, and there wasn't a lot of stability in my household. In the days of the Old West, cowboys lived by an unspoken code. The Code of the West. Never try on another man's hat. Always remove your firearms at the table, talk lists. And same. Or I think, that if I had grown up and been in show business in the movies 25 30 years earlier, I think I would have made a lot more musical movies. I made movies that were very successful that were complete surprise, legendary style, unmatched possibilities. They're yours and Land Rover Drive the Land Rover Discovery Sport just 3 79 per month. Would you rather old 10 grand? The I. R s or the mob? We know. Tough question. The difference is the I. R. S has dozens of programs to help you get out of debt for pennies on the dollar. The Mob, Not so much. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. They're great.