Video Narration


Advertising voice section from main demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
that said something which could make it hard to display. Clarity is emotion. Resenting emotion vocally can be difficult whether you need to be sad with a tear in your eye, angry with a fire, burning inside you or frightened, eager to bring things to a closed quickly, I hear you asking, What do I get when working with Chris? Well, friend, I'll tell you, you get adaptability interest and a motive Connexion on a level you just can't find from your average talent. What are you waiting for by now? Great prices for a limited time only Contact our offices today for an exclusive chance of our unique town who will work with you in partnership for the result. You deserve this just in. Chris Harris Beachy, the hottest young talent on the voiceover circuit is now available for all manner of work over to you, Chris. Thank you, Chris. I can confirm he is currently available for all your voice over needs, no matter what they may be.