Favourite segment from James Joyce

Profile photo for Christian Zanone
Not Yet Rated


From Dubliner's in Joyce's book of novellas Dubliners. Amusing piece on foibles in society at the turn of the centrury Dublin

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Who is this man? What's his name and address? A young man in a cycling suit clear his way through the ring of bystanders. He knelt down promptly beside the injured man and called for water. The constable kneel down, also to help. Young man washed the blood from me and your man's mouth and then called for some brandy. Constable repeated the order in an authoritative voice until a curie came running with the glass. The brandy was forced, owned the man's throat. In a few seconds, he opened his eyes and looked about him. He looked at the circle of faces and then understanding strove to Roy's his feet. You're all right now, as the young man in the cycling suit Chasse Northern, said the injured man trying to stand up. It was helped to his feet. The manager said something about a hospital, and some of the bystanders gave advice. The bat of so cat was placed on the man's head. The constable asked, Where do you live? The man without answering began toe twirl the ends of his moustache. He made light of his accident. It was northern, he said, only a little accident. He spoke very quickly. Where do you live? Repeated the constable. The man said they were going to get a cab for you. Well, the point was being debated. A tall, agile gentleman of fair complexion wearing a long yellow Ulster came from the far end of the bar. Seeing the spectacle, he called out. Hello, Tom, old man! What's the trouble? Just north of? Said the man. The newcomer surveyed the deplorable figure before him and then turned to the constable, saying, It's EIroy constant. I'll see him home. The constant touched his head with an answer. All right, Mr Power, Come now, Tom said Mr Power.