Video Narration


Voice sampler - Bilingual Portuguese English

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
May I have your attention, please? We're now boarding passengers on tap Air Portugal Flight 3 12 Please have your ticket and passport ready at the sounds. Nearly these your specific approval presented. Does the top airport Tegel Venice Inn tried a barter for word teach medieval support. It could dump them back once in America for a long time. It's really hard to keep up with teaching our kids Portuguese. Thank goodness for Rhode Island College. Students of Portuguese have the opportunity to study Portuguese NFC Daddy, a source which is on the island of so Miguel course Sudova down. Their summer program provides an opportunity to study Portuguese language and literature in an intensive three week course while experiencing the life and culture of the Azores. If you enjoy seafood, cheese and wine, head to new works, Ironbound District. This neighborhood boasts the city's best Iberian eateries. Try the Cold Village. It's a delicious bright green kale and sausage soup. It goes great with a nice glass of cold Jerome Peters Wine on the side. Of course, no meal is complete without dessert and coffee. Same a big and they're still not up for good. In the Ironbound, you'll feel like your downtown Lisbon