CPA Business Development Training

Profile photo for Craig Kitch
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Video Narration


One of a series of short \"reminders\" sent out regularly to students who have completed a training class.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what do you say? We have a shot of rainmaker. Let's talk about the buying cycle now the buying cycle is kind of the other side of the coin if you will from the sales and marketing process and here's the upshot, here's the thing to remember about the buying cycle. People by when they are ready to buy, no matter how badly we want them to buy in our time frame, they will always buy in their time frame and there are four touch points or segments if you will to the buying cycle and those four touchpoints are change needs, options and decisions for this discussion. I want you to think about the last large purchase you made like a house or maybe a car and let's talk about change change always happens over time. If it's a car changes slowly happening as the car wears out. If it's your house maybe change is happening because you're having Children and you need more room. And as change happens, ultimately a need is created. So if it's your house, you have four Children now in the house that you got married in with no Children, you need more room. That's the change. The need is that you have to have more room, you're getting cramped. And once that happens, once the need develops, you begin to evaluate options and once you evaluate all of the options, then you make a decision, the same thing happens with your prospects, they currently have a C. P. A. Somewhere they have a current service provider. But as time goes on, things changed, their businesses change. The provider may change, but things are continuously changing and at some point in time a need will arise and once that need arises, they're going to begin evaluating the options by the way. You want to be one of those options. Okay. And then once they've evaluated the options, they're going to make a decision, ideally you can enter that buying cycle as they are evaluating options and you can become an option. But no matter where you enter it, don't be afraid to wait in second place because at some point in time things will change. The need will arise. Options will be evaluated and if you're standing in second place behind the person doing the service now, you have a great opportunity to be the best option for their next decision. Get more at the Rainmaker companies dot com