A wilde range from technical voice over, to radio jingle, to narration and scripts

Radio Ad


Pharmaceutical advertisement
Trailer voice over (female)
Narration (Moby dick)
Radio jingles (French and English)
Script : Fight Club

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
demo Technical sample Voice over 32nd technical voice over sample script. Former Miss Bellamy capsule is recommended for adults over 18 years of age who are suffering from adenovirus infections. If you suffer from acute bronchitis, you should a voice thinking the better me capsule or consult with a physician before starting your doses. Side effects may include information Eriks in Vertigo. For a full list of side effects, visit www dot better me cab dot com. 15 2nd technical voice over sample script for Mommy's Bed Me capsule is recommended for adults over 18 years of age who are suffering from adenovirus infections. If you have chronic conditions, the better me capsule may not be suitable for you. Consult your physician for more details. Go north on Clark 15 2nd movie trailer voice over Script sample Do you ever wanted to yourself? How on earth did I get here? I ask you all the time and I still don't got an answer. The only woman who can tell you is buried in a cemetery outside of Richmond, Virginia. It's about Tom a pair Mama visit now Russian script number one Moby ****. Call me Ishmael. Some years ago, never mind how long, Precisely having little or no money in my purse and nothing particular to interest me on shore. I thought I would say about a little and see the white report of the word. It is a way I have of driving off the splaine and regulating the circulation whenever fire myself. Green green about the mouth whenever it is damp, drizzly November in my soul, whenever I find myself involuntarily posing before coffee and warehouses in bringing up the rear off every funeral meat and especially whenever my hypos gets such an upper hand of me that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street and methodical in knocking people that self then Oconee high time to get to see as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol on board with a philosophical flourish, Cattle throws himself upon its war, I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it. Almost all men in their degree, sometime or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings toward the Russian. With May. There now is your interest City of the Man Atos belted round my wars as Indian I'll biker of reefs. Commerce surrounds it with a surf right and left the streets. Take You were war. It's extreme. Downtown is the battery where that noble more is washed by waves and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of side of and look at the crowds off. What a gaze is there script for a radio show? English. You are not listening to punks up on the radio campus. Montpellier. It wanted to point to F M French Virgin. Visit Citi box up. So had accomplishment pretty loose on the points with them sampler from this creeped of fighting Tyler engine People's found the closest go cleaner if they washed them at a certain sports in the river. Why? Because human sacrifices were once made on the hills above this river year after year. But is burnt ray fear? What a sip Through the woods she's to become lie. The lie, combined with the melted fight of the bodies to the thick white soapy discharge, crept into the river. The first stop was made from the ashes of heroes like the first monkey is sharing space without sacrifice. Without death, we would have nothing. This is a chemical burn. It will hurt more than you've ever been burned any well of this car? Script number two from a French movie Last city developer. Oh, my God. You been even UMAss Acri. Oh, been you new data Staples. Can you get him lajong? It'll sort of typical Italian repopulated on super tableau, won't you? Massa Cree Jim! Susan! Ludovic! Maximilien! Toto. See? You know Papillion Mousavi duffel not to know.