Brothers Karamazov (unabridged)



One of the four major Dostoyevsky novels I recorded for Naxos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at the time of your fin Petrovich is death. Alyosha had two more years to complete at the provincial give nauseam. The inconsolable widow went almost immediately after his death for a long visit to Italy with her whole family which consisted only of women and girls. Alyosha went to live in the house of two distant relations of Yefim Petrovich ladies whom he had never seen before. On what terms he lived with them. He did not know himself. It was very characteristic of them indeed that he never cared at whose expense he was living. In that respect, he was a striking contrast to his elder brother, Yuan, who struggled with poverty for his first two years in the university, maintained himself by his own efforts and halved from childhood, been bitterly conscious of living at the expense of his manufacturer. But this strange trait in Alyosha is character must not, I think, be criticised. Who severely for the slightest acquaintance with him? Anyone would have perceived that Alyosha was one of those youths, almost of the type of religious enthusiast who, if they were suddenly to come into possession of a large fortune, I would not hesitate to give it away for the asking, either for good works or perhaps tow a clever rogue