ZIMA (Spirits)

Profile photo for Peter Fogel
Not Yet Rated
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Frustrated Regular \"Joe\" nerd, an awkward guy trying to win a contest.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't see it yet, but I'm going to see it. There's a man in the bathroom stall of a store near you. Okay, now take a deep breath is not dangerous or anything. He's just looking at the Newseum. A poster. I'm standing up close trying to make out the three D image. I'm standing far back. It's a special kind of three D call to lose an art, and right now you get a free postcard version of the poster in six packs of Zima. I'm standing with my nose pressed up against it so you can pick up some Zima, get the free postcard and figure it out in the privacy of your own home. Must keep from blinking, or you could be like the guy in the store. Attention shoppers. We will be closing in 10 minutes. Eyes. It's a good reason to buy eczema or what. Zima. Something different. More beverage with natural flavors. Zima Beverage Company, Memphis, Tennessee