English contribution to a documentary about horror games

Profile photo for Nico Thiele
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A couple of content creators producing horror/scary content of various kinds got asked, which video game they ever played scared them the most. This was my contribution to the topic in this collaboration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, I believe I'm old enough now to say things like back in my days and if you don't mind, I will start my contribution to the question at hand with exactly that. So back in my days, the most high end personal computers had about 232 megahertz processing power max. Just couldn't resist. But I actually feel old thinking about how long ago this was owning a pC. Wasn't to come in and I grew up mostly with the original NES and game boy at least until we got our first Pc as a hand me down from a relative. So when I got asked which game scared me the most, I immediately had a plethora of games to choose from. After all my own YouTube career started with me as an indie horror game, let's player in. I believe it was 2013. My first thoughts were drawn to some of the games I played back then. But no, they had nothing on what my definite of answer is and now I will throw all my credibility out the window by confessing to you that even though I really love playing horror games, I have never, ever played a single Resident Evil or Silent Hill game. Like at all the genre of survival horror. Just never stuck with me as I was sitting there at my desk, contemplating what my answer to the question would be, I suddenly realized that this version was not something that developed an accident. Okay, picture this a wee lad of about eight years sitting at his very first personal computer looking to play video games. A couple of games are already pre installed games like the original Secret of Monkey Island Commander keen etcetera. So it was either text adventures or side scrolling action adventure games like what he was used to on his in the s. This little guy has basically no idea how to operate a computer in the first place and has no idea how to control a game other than pressing the arrow keys or maybe the space bar and control keys on the keyboard. Now imagine this little fella stumbling upon a game that is unlike anything he ever knew again. That was an actual three D. He only sees english text, he understands diddly squat and just jumps in the intro shows a car driving up to an old mansion and this middle aged, mustachioed gentleman steps out, walks up the driveway and steps into the main hall. The door slams shut behind him and he continues to slowly walk upstairs. It's a very slow, ominous scene accompanied by eerie does music? The tension is high and this little lad sits in front of his monitor glued to the screen, fascinated by the three dimensional shape of a human investigator entering the attic of dimension. Something his young naive eyes have never seen before. He gains control over the person. It's slow tank controls as we call them. Now the left and right arrow keys rotate the figure in the according direction up and down. Equal moving forward and backward. The boy presses the space bar thinking it would equal jumping instead, his figure changes into a weird stance and back to idle when the space ball was let go, the kid is confused and tries to figure out the controls by randomly pressing keys, but before he even got a chance to learn anything about the controls, the music suddenly changes. It is scary fast, menacing. The boy immediately is on edge knowing something was about to happen and finally he sees something outside the window of the room his figure was in, he still has no clue what's going on when suddenly the window bursts and a hellish cross breed between a dark and a chicken with giant teeth comes jumping in in a sincere fear induced panic, the boyfriend tickly now presses every button, tries to somehow find a way to jump on the creature which he thought was the way to go, but there is no jumping command. The boy would look for a weapon if he just could figure out how to access the inventory in the first place. Meanwhile this dark chicken from **** jumps at him and attacks, drawing actual blood that splatters from the gentleman's body against something his young naive eyes have never seen before. Finally the kid finds the command window and navigates his way to the command fight, he exits out of the menu and again tries every button but again to no avail. Now a trap door opens and a fully three d. rendered zombies gets lifted up into the room, seeing a fully three dimensional zombie for the first time in his life this real that panics even more. He is in flight boat, he wants to run away from the monsters in the game just like he actually wants to run away in real life right now but the tank controls and the ever so slow movement of his character make it impossible to get away. His character gets stun locked with more and more blood being drawn from him. He is trapped scared to death by the monsters that show no mercy and he stares at the screen watching his character getting brutally murdered with a piercing scream, the gentleman falls down and dies. The screen turns black and then the very next seed the boy witnesses the dreadful scary zombie dragging the lifeless corpse of his character into a cave of sorts. For only God knows what reason that we lead, never made it past the first room because after that he actually never played the game ever again. He had nightmares for weeks on end. Thinking about that one screen of the game that left him scarred, helpless and traumatized. So my first ever real horror game was my first ever three D. Game as well. And it was the original 1992 release of Alone in the dark on dose of all things. The archetype of survival horror. the great Granddaddy, the one that inspired Resident Evil and Silent Hill, the original survival horror. I mean these graphics and music of course would never scare anyone today anymore. But back then this was some serious stuff and remember we are talking about an eight year old boy who's heaviest exposure to any kind of violence or horror was actually the Tv show goose bumps, which is a whole different kind of worms altogether. But this experience actually spoiled survival horror as a whole genre for me. I watched my friends play Silent Hill and Resident Evil on Playstation when we got older, but I myself never touched any survival horror game ever again. This moment of sheer overwhelming horror and helplessness followed me for so many years that I still vividly remember that scene and the feeling I had back then, funnily enough in preparation for my partners, I downloaded dos box and played my old nemesis again, I actually had a pretty good laugh now that I'm older and used to weigh more relentless and graphically impressive horror games. But to me the question that was post was pretty clear and my answer could not be changed for anything. But what I just told you, I actually still feel hints of that original dread I felt back then as a little boy when I start up the game today because no matter how far gaming technology came, no matter how impressive mechanics or graphics nowadays are nothing I played since ever had an even remotely similar effect on me. That feeling of unreadiness, helplessness, and panic. This game, paired with me being just a young boy that scared before years, way longer than I'm comfortable to admit, Ensured that sequence that unfolded over less than 10 minutes still is burned into my subconscious nous. And it made me voluntarily. Yet at that time unknowingly miss out on a whole sub genre of horror games and all this by using only the very First room. And to me, no other game could ever reproduce that.