Educational & eLearning



This is a script I recorded for StudySync. I have been recording educational content weekly for them since December 2017 and I love it!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
model academic vocabulary consists of words that are commonly used in academic texts, lectures and discussions across a number of disciplines. Learning these words will help you expand your vocabulary and succeed in school and on standardized tests. In this lesson, we will be looking at academic vocabulary that will help you discuss the process of breaking down texts, sample context, getting information, words and sample sentences. Martina will access the authors Journal and letters so that she can include information from them. In her book report, the librarian helped Noah find several books he can consult In order to complete his assignment, Kerby will monitor changes in the weather over a three day period and include them in his report. The photographs of Children working in factories would occupy his thoughts until he finally wrote a report about child labor, sample context, changing text words and sample sentences. Chris will amend the minutes of the meeting to include details she had left out. Evan wanted to modify the tone of his report to make it sound less critical. Sample context, understanding texts, words and sample sentences. The meaning of a text will emerge as the author makes each point the writer set a target for completing the revisions to her manuscript, read critically to determine whether an author is objective and presents information fairly or slants the fax to fit a particular viewpoint. Sometimes writers do not expose their viewpoints early on, but hold them to the end. Try to incorporate these words into your own personal vocabulary. They will help you better understand the academic texts that you read and will make you sound more authoritative when you write and speak for academic purposes.