Commercial business demo

Video Narration


History of the business

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


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I have a story to tell the story of our family. The story of the Mafia. Not this Mafia La Bella Mafia. We have humble beginnings, but what a journey from selling a few clothes on the beach. Two million pieces every year from one, 222 10 2 thousands selling in more than 40 countries. There is no superhero in our story. In the end, it's always the story of the people. If you only see our success, let me tell you, you're not looking deep enough. We left a lot of sweating blood on the ground, our own blood and sweat. We face, um, really hard obstacles. But we strive. We survived, and damn, we grew during the last decade. We developed the most incredible network so strong, flexible and dynamic. The challenge is only make us stronger. As one once said alone, we go fast. But together we go further as all families, we also have our family recipe. Be inspired, work hard, stay true to your values and help others, ADM or hard work on top. Mix together and let it cook. No, Let it burn if it explodes in the end, you did it right. We are Bella Mafia nation. We are thousands from all around the world, united by our values united by our design and revolutionized the fashion industry is our legacy.