Working Environment

Video Narration


supervisor with two employees that don't get along

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cody, you came up with some good ideas in our meeting. But as the project lead, you have more of a responsibility for that relationship than he does. I want to help you think through approaches that might be successful with him. I've asked you here to get this project on track. I know from our conversation that you're struggling to get on the same page. I'm not sure why we may need another conversation. Figure that out. But right now, with the project seriously behind schedule and our year in budget for it at risk, I need to be very clear of what I expect. We need to prioritize, confirmed a liberal dates and agree about who's doing what, and we need to get this done now. This is also the time to let me know if you need some additional bodies on the team before you leave this afternoon, I'm going to ask you to commit to what we've covered and explain to me what you understand that to mean, so let's get to it