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Profile photo for Andy Cowan
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Everyman characters, crusty characters, wiseguy narrator

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North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
teeth are busy. What do we mean by that? Between the soccer games, the conference calls and the never ending list of two DUIs, our customers have a lot going on. You can't even confidently leave your cell phone at your desk because this crazy *** ******* gonna read your messages. Yes, She feels that way about you. Deal with it. Learn that from my daddy. He'd say, Son, Oh, you need is a good slap. A steak. Get high speed Charter Internet visit charter dot com today. Oh, that's good. And I like the flavor. I'm more than happy. I'm awesome. Apples are good. Strongbow hard apple cider. Better over ice the best and joining Strongbow of rice while what's in your slow motion horse with the same name as you the bestest