Elearning - Engish (Kenyan Accent ) - Chevening Scholarship

Profile photo for Cynthia Kimola
Talent Online


This is an intro to my podcast. I am a Kenyan and read this English script in my natural Kenyan accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Kenyan (East Africa) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to this first episode of shifting scholarship tips with Cynthia Kamala and let me start by introducing myself as we will be spending a lot of time together. I am a Kenyan who won the shifting scholarship in 2018 and proceeded to study a masters in the U. K for free. As this was a fully funded scholarship, I studied a masters in digital journalism at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow in Scotland, and without a doubt, 2018 2019 was such a highlight in my adult life as I not only quit my job to take up this scholarship, but I enjoyed living and studying abroad for almost two years. I I enjoyed travelling abroad to the places of always wanted to be actually went to 11 countries during that period, and the experience was so fulfilling that encourage any young person to look into this scholarship or scholarships in general to get experience and just due to be in a new environment. So I share my experience over on my YouTube channel Cinta Kamala. If you type that on the YouTube such books, you will see me and also have a website that I set up Cynthia kamala dot com where I document my experience there. So I started this podcast. As I am aware that some people prefer listening to watching videos or reading articles on websites. As you know, you can listen anywhere any time. So this podcast is an extension off the Egypt Channel so that you can listen on the go.