YouTube Business

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YouTube Business Audition, English

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you've probably heard the word entrepreneur thrown around a lot lately, but what does it really mean? Despite popular opinion, the definition of an entrepreneur hasn't changed much since it was first coined, but today's entrepreneurs have more opportunities than ever before to start their own businesses. Thanks to the rise of e commerce and platforms like Shopify in this guide, we'll explore what makes someone an entrepreneur and how you can start your own business from home will also hear from some modern day online entrepreneurs about what it was like for them to take that leap into entrepreneurship. What is entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship is all about making your career into what you want it to be, It's about taking the risk of starting a business, but with the hope that you can make a profit and create something that makes the world better for everyone in it, entrepreneurship is what people do when they want to take control of their careers and not let anyone else tell them what to do or how to do it. They see an opportunity in their industry or niche and decide to take it on as their own entrepreneurs are fearless, determined individuals who are willing to go after what they want no matter what roadblocks come in front of them and because entrepreneurship is such a broad field, there are many different definitions of what it means. Some people think that entrepreneurship is just starting a business and while that's certainly part of it, it's more than that entre your ship can also mean bringing about social change or creating innovative products and services that challenge the status quo in our daily lives, like Uber did with their right sharing platform.