E-LEARNING DEMO - Engaging - Confident- Conversational - Genuine



This reel showcases an informative and authoritative tone while displaying calmness and assertiveness. Conversational, educational, warm, friendly, natural, inspiring, Announcer, Narrator, Spokesperson, Instructor, Real Person, Articulate, Authentic, Believable, relatable, Engaging, Genuine

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how to use this learning tool. If you would like assistance navigating this learning module, select the navigation help button in the upper right corner of this player at any time. Welcome and overview. Hello and welcome to This is a block installation video since is a block is a building material allowing you to perform several steps in a single installation process. It is important for the installation to be flawless learning objectives throughout this operational technology cybersecurity awareness course. You will learn about important cybersecurity documents such as the process, safety and control, network PS and C. N. Standards and the cyber security incident response plan. In this training will explore how you promote that environment through drug and alcohol testing. By the end of this E learning, you'll be able to explain the importance of drug, alcohol and impairment testing procedures for promoting workplace safety.