INSPIRATIONAL SPOT - Inspirational - Hopeful - Loving - Warm

Video Narration


Conversational, educational, warm, friendly, natural, inspiring, Announcer, Narrator, Spokesperson, Instructor, Real Person, Articulate, Authentic, Believable, relatable, Engaging, Genuine, calm, warm,

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When we think of inspiration, we often think of something bright, colorful, blowing with life and love. Mhm. Alive with passion. But inspiration isn't the final polished result as much as it's the raw, pulsing heart behind the thing. Yeah, the center. Often when we are looking for inspiration, we look all around us, we'll travel, talked to a friend, watch movies or listen to music that embodies what we're after, right? Will grope circle and search reaching for whatever we can. But you can find inspiration there At least not at 1st mm Because inspiration starts in the quiet a silencing of everything. A numbing out of what is in that bright spark. Turning it all off. Eyes closed, deep breaths. Only your heart beating, no influence is reaching you going inwards and inwards and then eyes opened into the kaleidoscope. It begins