Sample from Ragnar Lothbrook

Profile photo for Dalan Decker
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This is the sample audio from a historical book that I produced for Audible. This is a real delivered project, not a fake one.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the wake of crossing new waters, the Norseman onboard saw land moored and went to ground. And so it was, ah, 1000 years before Columbus that the Vikings were much more likely the first Europeans toe have ever stepped on North American soil voyaging in their longboats. The Scandinavians controlled the North Atlantic from the ninth to the 12th centuries. The Vikings were the Norse, a Scandinavian ocean faring people from Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden and before the end of the eighth century not only had the security pockets of land in Ireland, but there were also controlling considerable areas in England and France. Before the end of the 10th century, they had colonized Greenland, cruised to America several times, wandered down the Volga as faras the Caspian Sea, and were effectively trading in the Mediterranean as Norwegian settlers. Essentially, they had moved from island to island across the North Atlantic and followed rivers deep into Europe and beyond. History is a collection of numerous legends. One such legend is that of Radnor loath Broke, a Norse hero and chieftain to the Norseman during the Viking Age. Tales of his heroism can be found in several Icelandic sagas, such as Potter off Raulerson. Um