Characters Demo 02

Profile photo for Damon Webb
Talent Online
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Performed, recorded, mixed, and edited by me.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Scottish (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, I am Sean Connery, the original Jamaican Don data. And if you didn't know now, you know, you better ask somebody dumb. So let me get this right. I'm the bully here. I show up to get lunch and you expect me to buy it with my money. And you got perfectly good money in your pocket. Now, how selfish is that? Cough it up. Cough it up. Your grandfather was so romantic. He used to take me down to the lake and we would make love under the stars until the sun would come up till Grandma I'm eating. Only one of us can make it. And I regret to inform you it's gonna be me. Phantom laser disintegrate. You do not know me, but I know who you are. Do not come back or it will be your end. Well, my dear, when I look deep into your eyes, I see nothing because I can't find my glasses.