Hindsight 2021 for October 15th, 2021

Profile photo for Damian Muziani
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The National Holiday-edition of Hindsight2021 is LIVE! Which holiday? Depends. Plus California’s Governor has early Halloween treats for teenaged girls, sympathy for Italian Heritage, and Pope Francis welcomes fellow Catholic Nancy Pelosi and her polar-opposite abortion views to The Vatican. Hos

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Hello and welcome to hindsight. 2021 for the second week of october. I'm Damien museum anne and here's your news leading off. Many americans awoke this morning confused. Is it columbus day or Indigenous peoples day. It's very simple really. If you were already prejudiced against italian americans, you probably already hate columbus day and would gladly replace it with anything else. Indigenous peoples day laundry day. Whatever excludes Italians it is true explorer Christopher, columbus and his crew unwittingly introduced diseases previously unknown to the new world. These guys were sailors, not scientists. And while historians agree that columbus did enslave human beings during his time in the caribbean isn't it? Refreshing to know that 300 years later America has evolved so highly that no less than 12 U. S. President had also owned slaves and mistreated them themselves and none of these men are having statues torn down. But then again not one of them are italian. So it's acceptable on friday. President joe biden officially proclaimed today as indigenous peoples Day in philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney officially removed city observances of columbus day. What if these irish descendants realized that they're untouchable and beloved Saint Patrick's day celebrates a man who was conceived by to roman citizens. Now that's a spicy meatball isn't it? I say let's share the holiday between the indigenous and italian descendants. The two heritages are more similar than you might think. I mean here are the total number of irish president that we've elected as a country and here are the combined number of native american and italian american presidents elected. And while there is true sensitivity. Finally today toward the personification and interpretation of native americans. Here's Bill Hader's impression of Anthony Scaramucci, it's me, Anthony Scaramucci the coach. And when I hear my name three times I appear like a dumba Beetlejuice fill hater is danish english german and irish by the way. And speaking of deuces female hygiene is all over California. Governor Gavin Newsom's desk this week, he just signed a new law that will require handing out free menstrual products to sixth graders attending public schools. Newsom said that the tampons and pads will be made available each day between 1st and 2nd periods. Looking to stop the flow against abortion rights. Us House speaker nancy. Pelosi visited Pope Francis on saturday. Here's the pope showing nancy how the Vatican carpets look before. They provided free tampons for nuns. Pelosi is catholic but has been highly critical of the church's stance on abortion rights, awkward. And of course just last month, the pope told the plane full of reporters that abortion is murder and abortion doctors are cold blooded killers. The solution here is obvious. If you want people to see your side, you have to force it on them. It's time for joe biden to proclaim national abortion day, you can have it on a catchy date like august 6th 86, you know 86 the damn thing cute, right And you get a day off from work and all the appliance stores would put vacuums on sale and there would be a big day after pill parade. Who needs columbus americans can abuse and torture each other all by ourselves. And that's your news, please like and subscribe. And I'll see you next week with fresh hindsight. Mhm.