Community Healthcare PSA

Profile photo for Dana G
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Written, voiced, and audio editing by Dana G

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
join Petaluma, Blacks for Community Development at a free Community Health fair saturday october 1st 1 p.m. To four p.m. Petaluma. Blacks for Community Development has partnered with the Petaluma Health Center to provide a free health care to the community. The fair will have over 17 organizations that can help with issues around health and wellness by providing resources and or information on where you can find the assistance you need. There will be covid testing, prizes, games and much more. The fair will be held at the Petaluma Health Center located at 11 79 North McDowell boulevard in Petaluma. You can learn more about this event and the Petaluma Blacks for Community Development at P B C D. The number four US dot com Information is also available at p h E A L T H C E N T E R 0.0 R G join Petaluma Blacks for Community Development at a free community health fair, saturday october 1st 1 p.m. To four p.m. Petaluma Blacks for Community Development has partnered with the Petaluma Health Center to provide a free health care to the community. The fair will have over 17 organizations that can help with issues around health and wellness by providing resources and or information on where you can find the assistance you need. There will be covid testing, prizes, games and much more. The fair will be held at the Petaluma Health center located at 11 79 North McDowell boulevard in Petaluma, you can learn more about this event at Petaluma. Blacks for Community Development and the Petaluma Health Center at P b c d, the number four US dot com and p h e a l t h c e n t e r dot org.