Zero Waste PSA

Profile photo for Dana G
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Produced this PSA for local radio station with music research and audio editing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
zero waste Sonoma in partnership with Conservation Corps North Bay are hosting a free e waste recycling event in Petaluma, starting friday, december 9th through december 11th 9 a.m. To five p.m. At luke's Park 3 20 North McDowell boulevard in the parking lot, accepted items include working and nonworking TVs, office equipment, cell phones, tablets, printers, computers, laptops, stereos, game consoles, microwaves and core not accepting appliances, batteries or light bulbs. That's a free e waste recycling event, december 9th through 11:09 a.m. To five p.m. In the parking lot at lucchese Park 3 20 North McDowell boulevard, visit www 200.0 waste Sonoma dot gov. For more information or call the echo desk at 707565 desk. That's seven oh 75653375.