Introduction section of Audiobook



This is the introduction section of an audiobook that I am credited as the reader. It's a self-help book and the delivery style reflects that as well as the writing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we all have those moments when we set our hearts on something we really want and the motivation uses can't stop flowing in those moments, we feel inspired and confident that what we're thinking about or planning can easily manifest into our lives and life happens out of the blue. Something happens and we're quickly derailed from even taking the first step toward our goals. We fail to bring our plans to completion after spending countless hours visualizing ourselves succeeding. What happens next is that we begin to doubt ourselves and our abilities. We fill our minds with all kinds of reasons and excuses why we failed in our mission. And when the year comes to an end, it dawns on us that we actually failed and we have nothing to show for our efforts. Negative thoughts creep in and we incessantly tell ourselves that we can't make it. So what is it that stops most people from accomplishing their goals? The reality is that people want to succeed. We all yearn for good and fulfilling life. But when doubt steps into our lives, we quickly forget the importance of living purposefully and working relentlessly towards our goals. You might be reading this book because you're struggling with self doubt, call it fear of failure or lack of confidence likely this is something that has cost you dearly, take a moment to reflect on the things or goals. You've given up your decision to give up has perhaps led to a situation where you've missed out on many things. Well, you're not alone. Most people struggle with self doubt and they often wonder why it's so challenging to stop at some point in your life, you must have doubted yourself and that's okay. It's part of human nature. One thing that makes a difference is what you do with it and how best you cope. Van Gogh once said that if you hear a voice within you say, you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced moral 2017 it's common to find yourself constantly battling with your inner critic that chips away at your self esteem and self confidence. You may find yourself filled with doubts that you'll mess up or wondering what people will say if you fail or thinking that you'll make a fool of yourself sound familiar. While self doubt is something common to everyone. If left unchecked, it can be dangerous. The fear that arises from doubt can drive you to be overly cautious and ultimately stop you in your tracks. Oftentimes people sell themselves short for fear of failure, or even the fear of success. When this happens, doubt outshines triumph and we fail to take action on our goals. Typically, we failed to follow up and extend the invitation. We overlook the importance of making that call to book an appointment. We're afraid to raise our hands for that promotion. The little voice inside us keeps telling us that we're not enough. We're afraid to say no or say yes when need be. All these are the opportunities we miss. Just because we allow doubt to get the best of us well ****** out some level of self doubt might be considered healthy in one way or another, we aren't perfect and the healthy form of doubt is there to remind us that we're not always right when we question our abilities at times, This helps to challenge ourselves to do better what's more. It also helps to evoke humility when relating with others. But this guy does not about the healthy form of self doubt. On the contrary, this guy looks into unhealthy self doubt and it strives to help you overcome doubt in your life with the strategies that will be discussed here in you can be sure that you'll be more confident and approach life with a renewed sense of optimism. The best part is they will also learn to use self doubt to your advantage. We live in a society that upholds the extraordinary and it is for this reason that self doubt often turns into a chronic condition. When this happens, we become our own worst enemies. We sabotage ourselves and stand in the way of achieving our goals. Worse we find it difficult to see ourselves succeeding even at the most basic things that we would have accomplished ****** out, seeks to help you deal with this fear, you are born to be great and you deserve all the success this world has to offer. While you might not believe this, the universe has your back. So the best thing you need to do is to believe in yourself and overcome any forms of fear in your way. There is more to life than just paying your bills. You have the power over the decisions you make in life. What this means is that you can change your life as you desire. This guide will help you unleash the power that lies within you. As you continue reading this manual, we strongly encourage you to pause frequently and listen to your thoughts, raising your awareness of your thoughts as a powerful psychological skill. That will help silence your inner critic and focus more on what needs to be done. The more often you look inside the more you will understand how your mind works well. Did you know that your mind has a mind of its own. You'll get to learn more about this in the book and how best to win the battle over your mind before we start you should realize that the strategy is discussed in this guy will not provide you with the quick fixes that you might be looking for. Instead this manual promises to equip you with ideal self doubt elimination strategies that will transform your life over the long haul. After all. Self doubt is something you will always have to grapple with in the many years to come. So you need a practical solution that will transform you into the best version of yourself. Let's begin