Animation - Alien Beer Stealer



Comedic character performance about a rural man who swears that aliens are stealing his beer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So a set of stairs comes out the side of this ship and a little alien, he comes stepping down and walks up to me. He was a small fella about four ft tall. He snatches my beer from out of my hand and chugs it down the whole thing. He burped, smiled, gave me the finger or at least I think he did. He only had three fingers, but it was the middle one that he kind of gestured at me with, he handed the beer back to me and walked back up the stairs and then flew up into the sky in a flash. Now, what in the **** do you call that? I ain't made eye contact with the little critter since, but this past week I keep missing beers in my fridge. I'll buy a case and it'll be completely wiped out the following day. That alien keeps stealing my beers. Now, looky here tonight, we are going to catch that tiny son of a *****. I've booby trapped the entire kitchen. Anything that comes in won't ever get out. I got me some Zappers too.