Child Educators Instruction



An instructional guide to prepare teachers properly to give emotional support and assist in development.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the class environment helps educators foster meaningful interactions in the classroom. There are four arrangement items and to display items in the emotional support domain. Let's explore them now. The first arrangement item is called space for cooperation here. The aim is to allow Children to communicate and play cooperatively with educators and each other. This is encouraged by spaces that allow Children to interact in close proximity and at eye level with educators. Another key concept is to provide space to move around without interfering with each other's space. The second arrangement item is called sightlines and identifies arrangements that allow educators to see all areas of the classroom. Good sightlines allow educators to be attentive to Children and notice verbal and nonverbal cues at all times. The third arrangement is called adult furniture and describes furniture that allows educators to participate comfortably alongside Children at their physical level. The fourth arrangement is called space for child privacy and describes designated areas, those that are physically separated from noisier parts of the classroom for individual play, learning silence or self regulation, let's move on to explore the display items. The fifth item is called child level displays and recommends educators place visual displays where Children can see them at eye level and approach them independently. The sixth item is called displays of Children or their work and recommends educators display images of the Children currently in the classroom as well as those Children's work, and special or meaningful representations. This might include photos of their families, drawings of their favorite animals or works produced in the class