2 Full Length Corporate Promotions

Profile photo for dave ericson
Talent Online
Video Narration


You'll hear me perform 2 very different business-style voice over productions

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
do you sometimes feel like your organization struggles to achieve new breakthroughs with innovative technologies? What about delivering value to your customers or shareholders? Are your products or services connecting your firm higher up your customers? Value chain? If not, you'll want to start using super elastic bubble plastic to drive home your value proposition and differentiate your company from competitors. When your team starts cross collaborating using super elastic bubble plastic, you'll see your ideas stick, and we'll get you started by providing a bubble buddy to train your team. Then, as innovation occurs, you'll see firsthand how stagnation flows right down the drain, using our unique bubble breaker approach. And finally, as your associates become more proficient, they will be rewarded with bubble master certification and you'll have your clients wrapped tightly in the palm of your hand. Sign up today and receive your 1st 10 days for free. Offer expires yesterday. Prices may vary depending on time of day, not ballot anywhere. Are you lonely, or do you ever feel the need to just get out and socialize? Now I'm not talking about some computer generated dating service. I'm talking about real human interaction. If that's what you're looking for. Come on down to Buds were local right here in the downtown waterfront district, where there's always a friendly face and a warm place. So come on in and meet your next buddy at buds where you can always find a friend.