8 song medley (Verse 1) & includes one in Italian

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8 song medley (Verse 1) & includes one in Italian

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
baby tomorrow. Something don't getting to if I Yeah, with my So you whisper cincy. We said on together we Mhm. You're my peace of mind in this crazy world. You're everything I've tried to. Your love is a Yeah, Annalisa. You're my rain. Most guys only prayer is that you really You'll always be beautiful in my eyes. You know if I saw you, if I saw you must be strong and Mhm. I don't belong, would you? How first saw, huh? And I just can't stay. I hear a voice in my mind. I know her face. Heaven move in my soul, nowhere to stay. Tell me the words. The way I feel about one all the clothes to wear. You got you for the Forager Matina questo record all is that the infant check. No, once in every life there comes a tie. We walk out and into moment won't. But we remember it again when we Mhm Like stars past the sky. Vinge range. Okay, I want to show all of us. Sweetie. Remember when I was young. So, you and time stood. It was all we knew you were the first so was I We made love. And then you cried. Well, remember when we found the wall? The wall gave up. Made the start never heart. We lived and learned right joe men I now it's time for me to give up. I feel it's got your lipstick