The Road That Couldn't Be Done



Written and recorded for Alaska Highway 75th Anniversary CD and for an upcoming collection of rhymes by D.M. McGowan for an eBook and audiobook.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the road that couldn't be done. They came to build a road that some said couldn't be done. But they did it damn it and did it fast and even had some fun. The U. S. Army engineers, several regiments, strong cotton slashed through timber and laid it across the bugs with local trappers, packers and guides and with sightings to the sky. They found a way through passes and over mountains where eagles fly civilians from all walks of life from all across the land from Labrador Ontario and down to the Rio grande. They dropped them off at and a rail a place called Dawson Creek. A bunch of young eastern boys too excited to sleep. The final push to build it came December 7, 41 and before christmas the following year there lay the road that couldn't be done. Oh and sure it was only a trail with decades of work to be done. But now millions of travelers have used that road. The road that couldn't be done