Audiobook Clip, Lucky the Orphan - Male - Young Adult - Narration

Profile photo for Dave Stishan
Not Yet Rated


Told in the first person, this is a clip from the audiobook Lucky the Orphan told through the words of Lucky, a pre-teen orphan living in New Jersey. This clip is about Halloween.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter nine Lucky's Halloween Special. Halloween is a little different for orphans or the poor than it is for any normal wage earning family, simply in that it's not fun, it's work. The costumes were planned a year in advance. No one had enough money to actually buy anything you just had to salvage, which is a nice way of saying, steal stuff that looked useful, you traded with others to get what you needed, and just hope that no one would steal your stuff for your costume before the last day of october.