

This is the prologue from an audio that is currently available on Audible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
prologue. The year is 1963. John Fitzgerald and Robert Bobby Kennedy are still alive. Martin Luther King Jr. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and feeling prophetic, would stand and deliver his seminal I Have a Dream speech. That same year, the Los Angeles Dodgers, seemingly against all odds, would win the World Series by defeating the New York Yankees, four games to none. On a much larger stage, America was about to stumble into conflict with a small Southeast Asian nation of Vietnam. However, in the spring and summer of 63 it hadn't been labeled a war yet. But a police action can stay. Woodstock. Long haired hippies and the peace sign were still a long ways off on the home front, or at least as close to home as I was concerned. My mother had gotten pregnant for the second time, her first experience that motherhood had been a few years earlier and had ended rather abruptly in a miscarriage. Oh, how she wanted a baby. But his luck fate or the universe would have it. Such was not to be, at least not the first time around. And though she bounced back from the grief as it were, but with minor scarring to her heart and soul. The second birth with Tester in ways she would be unprepared for like 63 itself the year and her pregnancy would end on a bad note. By mid November, John Fitzgerald Kennedy would be dead, his legacy and life faltering before finally failing on some operating table in Dallas, Texas, two weeks later, my mother would suffer a similar fate on a similar table in a similar hospital, though this one would be north of Dallas by over 500 miles. And instead of life ending, she would be giving birth to a son, though at this time and according to everything the nurses and doctors and attendants would later repeat, the child would enter the world in a bad way. Still and blue and seemingly on the very same journey as the late, soon to be great John Fitzgerald Kennedy