David Blair Narration demo reel



all vocal performance

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
David Blair narration real. The Lake district has become a destination for discerning gastronomes. Reputation is everything, and with culinary standards forever on the rise, it's vital the family hire a chef who can ultimately gain them a star. The greatest seasonal change on our planet is now underway. Antarctica is still locked in ice and surrounded by a frozen ocean. Nonetheless, there are signs of spring deep in the heart of the English countryside. There lives a family quite unlike any other. Mhm. The full Foods acquired this 3000 acre family estate during the reign of King Richard the Lionheart. More than 800 years later, very little has changed. The channel is a 250 mile lifeline that feeds the U. K economy. Its waters have also long offered a rich source of food. Commercial fishing contributes over £880 million into the British economy, but it's also one of the most dangerous jobs there is. Over the last 10 years, more than 200 vessels have been lost at sea and over 600 fishermen killed or injured. Yeah, since it started 16 years ago, the national lottery has created over 2.5000 millionaires. But how have the winners coped with this incredible twist of fate? This is Tony, well, stubbly. Six years ago, he won the lottery. Then he discovered the cost of true love. So there's no mansion, just a modest townhouse. And though Ferrari only a Skoda.