David R Piper - Elearning young Believable Conversational Insightful



David R Piper is the perfect voice for your elearning projects. With his youthful energy and natural conversational tone, he brings an insightful, believable quality to any script. Let him help make your elearning project stand out!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
managing your business in this constantly changing macroeconomic environment is harder than ever. Many of your KPI s are being impacted by external forces that you don't control. What's missing is an automated way to enrich each of your KPI s with an impact analysis of relevant external forces that sorts through millions of external signals to find those that are the most relevant and an ai enabled tool that analyzes thousands of relevant signals to generate an accurate forecast. We have a solution we've built a massive database of macroeconomic and external trend data organized and continuously updated to efficiently facilitate predictive calculations. We analyze this database to identify all the trends that correlate to your KPI. Our ai enabled forecast robot leverages tens of thousands of relevant external signals and hundreds of models out putting the most accurate forecast. We identify and monitor the relevant headwinds and tailwinds impacting your business for example, imagine you were running an engine company and new engine orders is a critical KPI. You'd want to see a graph showing the history of orders over the past several years. You're going to want to forecast showing where things are heading. You'll want to understand the external forces that are pushing each KPI for instance you can observe that changes in gas prices, inflation and transportation indices are acting as tail winds helping to drive the forecast upward signal radar is here today and it's as easy to access as 123. Just subscribe each KPI to signal radar, attach a simple C. S. V. File with a few years of back data trends for your KPI. We'll do the rest and you'll have your forecast within days and be able to start monitoring the external factors driving your KPI s.