Honda Carolinas Veterans campaign

Profile photo for Dawn Dawson
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This was a great TV campaign for the Honda dealerships in this region. They were looking for a caring voice over.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A simple call home can be taken for granted every day. Thousands of soldiers put their lives on the line to help us have these freedoms. Now it's time to return the favor in our own small way, drop off an old cell phone and your honda dealer of the Carolinas and cell phones for soldiers will send a calling card to a soldier overseas, donate a cellphone and bring a little bit of home to a soldier who needs it. Most learn more at honda Carolinas dot com. When you support cell phones For soldiers, you bring a little bit of home to a soldier who needs it. Most donate an old cellphone at your honda dealer of the Carolinas, learn more at honda Carolinas dot com. Help us support cell phones for soldiers, donate an old cellphone at your honda dealer of the Carolinas, learn more at honda Carolinas dot com.