ACX Audio Book Retail Sample - Don Elivert - 2020



This is the retail sample from \"Son of a Whore: Forging My Path to Freedom\". I perform narration as well as a dozen or so different character voices. It's recorded in my home studio and edited by me. The book is available on iTunes and Audible.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's about love. All she wanted was to be loved ******* child of a married man who already had 11 mouths to feed. She was an unwelcomed edition. Her mother had nine Children by seven men, an invalid after a stroke at the age of 13, she could not keep her, so she was given away to a family who might give her a better life. She was abandoned, and she felt it, never fully fitting in. Never a sense of belonging. She wanted to be loved. She longed for acceptance and adoration since a young age, she looked for love by seeking it out where she might find it, shuffling through men like a deck of cards, many of them often but none filled the void. In her mid twenties, two kids in tow, she ran away from a failed relationship, stealing away her Children in a pursuit of love and a better life for herself. A woman in appearance, a child inside, crying out for love with no understanding of what love waas, she would pass down the same agony to her Children. They, too, will long for her love acceptance in adoration. They too, will be left wanting like a litter of unwanted kittens. They were often left behind with strangers while she was on the prow, searching for the next hit of her drug of choice, desperate to feel something, anything with men, many of them often each time is she would head out the door. Her youngest, barely three, would scream. Mommy, don't go, Please, Please don't go. But she would not stop, nor give as much as a glance back at him on her way out. He, too, would never know what a mother's love feels like. Left alone with strangers, always feeling alone, always afraid, his surroundings constantly changing. But her pursuit was not about him or his sister, who wasn't even five at the time. This was her time to find love, acceptance and self worth, not the time to be in the business of giving love, taking care of the lives she created or behaving like a mother should. How could she possibly give her Children what they craved? She never knew what love of apparent felt like. She could not give them what she did not possess. Love is a tricky emotion. People die for it, live for it. Start wars over it and sacrificed so much for it. She was willing to give up everything she possessed to quench her thirst for it. Her name is Tessie. She is my mother. And this is our story.