A bit of work from a book I'm currently writing.

Profile photo for Quaid Irby
Not Yet Rated


Just an attempt to showcase a little bit of what I can do. I'm still fairly new to this but I'm willing to put in the effort.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
all in waited a moment before sighing and looking at You're planning on breaking his legs, aren't you? Gentlemen smiled and chuckled a little. No, I'm not. That mean I'll only break an arm and a leg. Otherwise he'll have issues getting to a healer rubbing his eyes, the agent priest felt defeated. Jensen and his friends were the strangest group of individuals he'd ever met. And he knew for a fact that Damien would suffer broken limbs tonight if none of the more reasonable members of Jensen's friends came by to stop him. So my safe in assuming you're still working on the whole have so much in dance and damage mitigation that the party won't need a healer idea. Nodding his head and affirmation, Jensen was about to respond when a loud bell rang out and a metallic masculine voice spoke from everywhere at once. Attention. All gate operators hear these words. A new gate to a weaker plane has been opened on the inter planner continent as a reminder. Unlike venturing to stronger planes, if you die on a weaker plane, then your body will not be rebuilt and your soul will not return to this plane Jensen's face broke into a grin as he rushed past Ireland, thoughts of breaking the clerics, limbs already fading into the background of his mind.