Children's Narration audiobook (Kid Girl, Boy, and Teacher Character Voices)



Short Sample from a chapter of Junie B Jones A little Monkey Business.

Junie B. is a little bit confused about her new baby brother... Hear her tell it like only she can!

Voices include
Junie B - Young 6 year old aloof and strong charactered girl
Boy Classmate - Young 6 year old boys - Kind and relaxed and another mocking bully-ish
Teacher - Kind and authoritative

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mrs called my name Junie B. Would you like to go next? She asked. Then I jumped right up and I ran speedy cess to the front of the room. Guess what I said. Very excited. Last night my mother had a baby and it's the boy kind. Mrs clapped her hands. Junie B. Jones has a new little brother. Everyone, she said, Isn't that wonderful, Then Olive Room nine. Clap, too. Yes, only you haven't heard the bestest part yet. I said, very loud because guess what else? He's a monkey. That's what else. My new brother is a riel, alive baby monkey. Mrs Got a funny look on her face and she squinted, Arise very tiny. And so maybe she didn't hear me or something. I think I said I've got a monkey, brother, I shouted riel louder! Then that mean Jim jumped right up from his desk and he hollered, Liar, liar! Pants on fire! No, they are not on fire. You big fat Jim. I said back, I do to have a monkey brother, you can ask my grandma Miller if you don't believe me. Mrs raised her eyebrows way high on her head. Your grandmother told you that your brother is a monkey? She asked me. Yes, I said. She told me he has long fingers and long toes and lots of black for all over himself. After that, Mrs kept I'm looking and looking at me when she said it was time for me to sit down. Yeah, only I'm not done telling the Children about my monkey brother yet I explained, because guess what else? His wallpaper has pictures of his jungle friends on it, and his bed has bars on the side. But I'm going to teach him not to bite or kill people. Then this boy named Ricardo, who has cute freckles on his face, said Monkeys air cool to me. I know they're cool, Ricardo, I said, and guess what else? Maybe I could bring him to school on that day. Then Ricardo smiled at me. And so he might be my boyfriend. I think, except for there's a boy in Roommate who already loves me. Just then Mrs stood up and pointed at me. That's enough, Junie B. She said. I want you to sit down now. You and I will talk about this monkey business later, and so that made me giggle because monkey business is a funny word, I think. Then I waved goodbye to my new boyfriend, Ricardo, and I skipped back to my seat.