Television Ad


This is my commercial demo reel. It has narrations pertaining to Audi, Fitbit, Skinny Popcorn, Luvs, and Delta.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Classic styling, heart pounding acceleration. The new Audi A three luxury without compromise. At Fitbit, we want to help you take care of yourself. Our fitness, nutrition and sleep programs are now available to you through the Fitbit premium apps Fitbit it all fits together. If the bag is empty, eat the piece that fell on the couch cushion, skinny pop popcorn. We do popcorn. You do. You buy the second kid? Every mom is an expert. So if the decision to use loves night lock diapers chosen by more moms the second time around, live, learn and get loves. Welcome to the new way of flying to more airport lounges. Two more benefits for your loyalty Delta, Welcome to the Best in each of us.