Demo of audio book reading



Conversation between two characters. Showcases, urgency and professionalism in one character, and shocked and stoical cadence in the other character. American accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
911. What's your emergency? Yes. I'm calling to report a murder, she said, in a cold, distant voice. I'm sorry, ma'am. Did you say you were calling to report a murder? Asked the dispatcher. Yes, answered victoria. She stared vacantly. I'm going to need some more details so I can send help. Let's start with your location. Can you tell me where you are? No, said victoria. You don't know where you are, ma'am? Asked the dispatcher. No, answered victoria. Can you tell me what is around you? Is there anyone else you can ask? No, I'm alone. And it's dark, said victoria. What's your name, ma'am? Asked the dispatcher. Victoria. Dawson, victoria, repeated the dispatcher. Okay, victoria. Can you tell me what happened? I don't know, answered victoria. You said you were calling to report a murder. How do you know there has been a murder because I killed him.