2nd Healthcare patient care training

Profile photo for Valerie Hicks
Not Yet Rated


This demo explains how to deal with errors with patients and to correct them.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the I ate in release, reflecting on airs asking how they happened in what others can learn from them is the most powerful tool we have to ensure the same heirs are never repeated. The I H in has a three pillow question process that we always need to adhere to after an air in patient care is identified. Number one. How did the air occur? Number two. What did you learn from it? Number three. What can others learn from it? After those questions are answered, the I H. In begins a process with the patient's immediate family and or caregivers to ask, How was the air explained to you by our staff? Did you want your loved ones to continue receiving treatment at this specific facility? What were your main concerns? Actor The air.