Medical Narration explain video

Profile photo for Valerie Hicks
Not Yet Rated


This demo explains about the human voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the human voice is generated when interaction occurs between three key parts the lungs, the vocal folds within the Larry Nicks or voice box and the articulate er's the lungs provide the palm. They send air flow as well as control. Air pressure to the vocal folds, which then vibrate. Creating audible cults is that horn, the Lauren Geo sound source. Pitch and town are fine tuned by the muscles of the learnings, which adjust in both length and tension. Finally, the articulate ER's located above the letter Knicks then interact with the Lauren Geul airflow to strengthen or weaken it. The articulate er's are composed of the tongue palette, cheeks and lips. Together, the vocal folds and the articulate er's are able to create highly intricate arrays of sound. Humans can leverage this mechanism to convey complex emotions, suggesting happiness, your sadness, surprise, anger and more