The Bath a short story

Profile photo for Daniel Luig Rossi
Not Yet Rated


another short story I wrote with music by my friend.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, the bath by Del Rossi today I took a bath. I haven't taken one in years. I tried once and my uncle's condo after he died last year, but the hot water heater didn't have enough hot water to fill the tub. I took one with a girl I'm seeing, but it was more of a sexual thing. Today I filled up the tub in my apartment and put some body soap in it so it would have a foamy and bubbly top and I shut off the lights. I sat in the tub for a while and thought why I hadn't taken a bath before. I thought to myself, this is nice and dark and warm and still. But then I noticed that my legs didn't fit in the tub. In fact, I couldn't even get my whole body in the water. I had to shift around and switch positions to heat up the cold spots. **** my shoulders were too broad to fit in the water comfortably and then I realized I hadn't taken a bath. It is awkward. I don't fit in and I have to keep moving to feel a little warmth after my bath, I spoke with an old friend and they asked me why I haven't gotten a real job yet. Right