Narrative Reel

Profile photo for Donna Coulling
Not Yet Rated


Mum like, soothing, friendly, character, west country, RP, northern, fun, fast, story telling.

Audio book, informative, business like, corporate.

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
once there was a fish and his name was Tiddler. He wasn't much to look at with his plain grey scales. Tiddler was a fish with a big imagination. He blew small bubbles, but he told tall tales. Sorry I'm late. I was riding on a seahorse. Sorry I'm late. I was flying with a ray. Sorry. Only I was diving with a dolphin. Tiddler told a different storey every day. Her nine o'clock on Monday. Miss Kate called the register. Little Johnny Dori. Yes, Miss Kate. Rabbit fish? Yes, Miss Bird. Finn. Yes, Miss Tiddler. Tiddler. Tiddler is late. Sorry I'm late. I was swimming around a shipwreck or swam into a treasure chest. And someone close the lid but bashed and I thrashed him a mermaid. Let me. Oh, again. Oh, no, she didn't. Oh, yes, she did. Starting to date again can be daunting. And frankly, who even wants to? After the end of a long term relationship? You may have spent years taking each other for granted, dreading the weekends and holidays when you can't avoid each other and physically. Well, literally the cliche, really. Just on birthdays in the odd anniversary, when you've been on your own for a time, adjusting to the dust, settling around you. You'll notice as I did, that there is time to fill and you might have a craving for intimacy and affection. Now we mostly swiped me, someone endlessly message, maybe exchange numbers and go over to text or what's up. After all of this, you may arrange to actually go on a date. This, of course, could all fall through, though, before you've got that far as dating bye. APS is extremely fast and furious. There is more than likely someone else chomping at the bit to meet within the hour if you can't.