Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Michael McDonald
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Snippets of commercials I saw on TV, re-cut with my voice and Production work. No Processing on the Vocal Tracks - I'd rather you hear my raw voice than Cool Edit's version of it

Keep on Keepin' on

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Yamaha get out and ride event with great financing on Yamaha motorcycles and a TV. So get in here Yamaha dealer, then get out and ride. What if your car didn't come from a factory? But out in the world where you actually drive it would be better designed around you. The driver. We've lowered our prices so that you can pay less and do more. Now that's what a pickle should sound like. Glass it. That's the tastiest crunch I've ever heard. Quality and value style performance. Sure you want it all? You just don't want to spend it all. No problem with Toyo tires. Say hello to the pan or Miss from Pizza Hut. Just 10 99 gets you our biggest pan pizza ever.