Commercial Television Demo - Authentic, Engaging, Young, Epic, Trendy, Charismatic, Funny - Television ads, Nintendo Switch, Expedia, Refreshers Commercial Demo.

Television Ad


Authentic, Engaging, Genuine, Trendy, Young, Engaging, Charismatic, Funny, Epic. Nintendo Switch, Expedia, Refreshers, National TV advertisements. For Young Adult to Adult demographics. 16-25, 18-35, 35+ age demographic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jonathan John's commercial demo reel. Importing oil free is illegal, so it's no surprise I get randomly searched when I travel. But the protein and pistachios help keep small spirit up, which makes this strip search a little less humiliate. E. That's no the gift of playing together. That's our way to play a Nintendo switch. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love Expedia, give extra get extra with extra refreshers. Gonna you know, I heard one in three. Citrus is get put in beer. No way, please. No beer, please. No b, It's up in. Yes, Captain and Ginger. Hey, where's orange? Oh, no. WiFi. The in laws House is switching time on now it's Netflix time. Water. Netflix offline. Swiss to crumble. The things that come out of nowhere Those are the ones that show up. Change everything. The future That's our specialty. Discover the world of Disney. Plus now adventures begun now streaming on Disney Plus, if you can find the perfect fitting jeans don't worry. You're not alone. Get digitally measured custom clothes with M. Taylor Emptied Takes seven measurements right on your firm for perfectly fitting custom jeans where my family says Ahmad to buy presents for this year, I'll give him a little hint for people who love their vehicles on DH, their pants, where the attack is the only name on their list.