Narrative montage
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there never was and never will be a place like Chicago. In the 19 twenties and thirties, everything was up for the taking. Broads, booze, bullets, but only for those who had stop it. Nothing to get it. Underground tunnels, secret bunkers all being kept from the public until now, when we go inside the hidden White House. Skiing and snowboarding safety is everyone's responsibility. But most importantly, you are personally responsible for your actions on the slopes to brave scientists are playing with fire. The big island residents learn to deal with life on the flanks of an active volcano, and some local divers get a bit too cozy with the lava. Want to reduce people to their most vulnerable state? Scarily, it's not only our most primal emotion, it's one of the easiest to manipulate. Well, what happens when our eyes don't even get a chance to react? Chicago's being invaded by people from New York and L. A. Who won our old style an old style like why? Because they don't have a double brewed beer with the great taste. That's why. Look at him out there. Look at the waiter dressed. Get out of here, you big dummies. Uh,