Genesis Total Exteriors

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Mark Szymanski, owner of Genesis. Total Exteriors, offers every Koc listener of free roof inspection after a storm because you need a trained eye to search for deterioration you might not notice on your own. The hail damage on your roof may not seem so bad right now, but unless you call Genesis total exteriors to check for hidden damage, water may seep undetected into that layer between your shingles and your ceiling, known as decking. Water damage rots your decking over time until a small problem becomes a major out of pocket expense. While most insurance companies will cover storm damage on your roof, when it comes to the decking below your roof, chances are good your insurance will leave you mired in a monetary mess. If you wait as a homeowner paying out of pocket for new decking, you could end up with thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses. Call 303679 85 09 and ask Stacey for your free K L Z Storm damage inspection to protect your decking from unnecessary decay. Talk to Stacy today called Genesis Total Exteriors at 303679 85 09