Company Branding- Tourism

Profile photo for Simone Stevens
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Sharing all the reasons to visit far away places and how to get there.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
someone once said, Life's like a river But which side are you on? Who lives here? Life lives here with all its ups and downs. Here we live, lounge and laughed and here we mourn. We have public figures and private matters wear traditionalists and individualists. We fight and push. We slip and fall and we stand tall. What happens here? The flow of life We are young and young at heart but sometimes just old fools way Loved a party and a clean up to way Get down to the nitty gritty do our bit even when things get out of hand We are high tech and history way Wanna take off? Get ahead And sometimes things goto our head Wear the city of poets and thinkers Always staying the course Wear the little village and the big city Life's like a river But no matter where you stand this is the place to be Yeah,