Sportscaster for NIKE

Television Ad


The role of the sports commentator.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
scores an absolutely brilliant goal win, scald Rapinoe puts the ball all the way in. What a game changer juan? The chinese powerhouse, Arthur Hertzberg is the 1 to focus now. What about the future? Here comes sesame. She was born to do this malterer fantastic ball. A phenomenon in the making Phyllis Bennis. She's next in line. Mia hamm scores in absolutely brilliant goal win skulled Rapinoe puts the ball all the way in. What a game changer Schwan, The chinese powerhouse, Other Herder Berg is the 1 to focus now. What about the future? Here comes, ask me, she was born to do this Moultrie, fantastic ball, a phenomenon in the making the laziness. She's next in line.