

A documentary for voice over for Oando Foundation, Nigeria.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in 2016. The sport re pen was school for the peoples of local government, nursery and primary school. It's a really weak euro in Oregon state. Imagine having two seats on the floor to receive classes. Imagine living in fear because snakes and other vermin have made your deplorable classroom home because you are eager to get on education. What's kind of learning can take place in an environment that is overcrowded, dirty, unsafe and open to all weather conditions. A case. These backdrop our Children with a strong desire to learn Children who have dreams, who understand that the first step in attaining Dear Dream is acquiring knowledge regardless of the environments they find themselves. At Wandell Foundation, we believe in a world were quality. Primary education is accessible to all. We believe that through quality education you will equip Children for a better tomorrow. It iss for these reasons that we heeded the call off the organ states government by adopting local government nursery and primary school It story in 2016. Our intervention triggered a spiral of activities that galvanized additional supports from other stakeholders, enabling pupils off the school to learn more conducive environment. Oh, into the transfer meitiv work done by Orlando Foundation and other partners in local government primary Anil students figures have increased by 66% from 443 to 670. This reinforces our believe that if the learning environment is right, parents on Guidant will be eager to send your words to school, and more Children will be motivated to learn by laying a foundation off quality primary education. We are empowering Nigerian Children for the future. Through the support off the U. S. Consulate and donations from individuals and cooperates, we have given over 1000 less underserved Children in eatery Eric Oro. A short at improving their lives. We're determined to raise a nation of educated young men and women with the adoption off one dilapidated public primary school at a time. We believe that quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty. The future off tomorrow lies in the hands off our Children. These Children help a chide secure his or her future. Today